How to Install Android Development Environment in Eclipse step by step procedure
Step 1:You can Install Android Development Toolkit in eclipse using following plugins.
First Download Eclipse "Download" If you don't have one.
Or Download Latest eclipse Kepler from here
Launch the Eclipse and set the workspace
Then Click on Eclipse Help Menu
Help>Install New Software>
Paste this link in Work With field.
Link :
If its not loading
Just right side of Work With field you can see an add button give there a name eg:ADTplugin
and paste the above URL there press ok. After that it will list all available plugins,select all and press next and finish your plugin installation.
If you are working with proxy network there you will face some problem to download this plugin so
you can download Plugin as Zip file from this location
and you can install the plugin by selecting this archive file.
Step 2: Now you have to download Android SDK From here "Download"
unzip the android sdk for windows and map it to eclipse
Mapping SDK to Eclipse Go to Eclipse Window>Preferences>
If you have Installed Android Plugin After General you can see the Android in Left Side bar Select Android
Now you can see a window with title Android Preferences, There you have to select the downloaded ADT or SDK Path,Then it will list all the Android version you have Installed.
If its not Listing anything select the Android SDK Manager from Windows Menu of Eclipse.
and Install all the android Version you want.
Restart Eclipse and check.
Go to Your Eclipse File Menu>New>AndroidProject Menu is there then your Eclipse is ready for Android Development.
Android Plugin Installed Eclipse.
Step 3:
click on android virtual deice manager it will help you to create a virtual android device (emulator).
configure it as per your project version,Its used for running your project in android device.
So go and Create Your First android Application
check this for eg :MyFirst Android App
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First Download Eclipse "Download" If you don't have one.
Or Download Latest eclipse Kepler from here
Launch the Eclipse and set the workspace
Then Click on Eclipse Help Menu
Help>Install New Software>
Paste this link in Work With field.
Link :
If its not loading
Just right side of Work With field you can see an add button give there a name eg:ADTplugin
and paste the above URL there press ok. After that it will list all available plugins,select all and press next and finish your plugin installation.
If you are working with proxy network there you will face some problem to download this plugin so
you can download Plugin as Zip file from this location
and you can install the plugin by selecting this archive file.
Step 2: Now you have to download Android SDK From here "Download"
unzip the android sdk for windows and map it to eclipse
Mapping SDK to Eclipse Go to Eclipse Window>Preferences>
If you have Installed Android Plugin After General you can see the Android in Left Side bar Select Android
Now you can see a window with title Android Preferences, There you have to select the downloaded ADT or SDK Path,Then it will list all the Android version you have Installed.
If its not Listing anything select the Android SDK Manager from Windows Menu of Eclipse.
and Install all the android Version you want.
Restart Eclipse and check.
Go to Your Eclipse File Menu>New>AndroidProject Menu is there then your Eclipse is ready for Android Development.
Step 3:
click on android virtual deice manager it will help you to create a virtual android device (emulator).
configure it as per your project version,Its used for running your project in android device.
So go and Create Your First android Application
check this for eg :MyFirst Android App
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